Sunday, July 26, 2009

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

Do you wash him/her in the shower? or outside? If in the shower, warm or cold water (relative to humans)? Does her hair get stuck in the drainage?

Also - in her poo, I found a white worm crawling...i was freaked out! What should I do?

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

Where you wash your pup is up to you. The shower is fine, and better if it is cold outside. Warm water is good, not too hot, not too cold, same as for yourself. As long as you have a little catch in your drain, the hair won't clog the drain.

She has worms, obviously. You should take a fresh stool sample to your vet to have a fecal test done to determine what type of worm it is. Your vet will give you medication to administer to her, this is fairly inexpensive. There are clinics that do fecal tests as well. Visit this link for more info

its very important that you take care of worms as they can cause malnourishment and other illnesses

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

get her groomed by the groomer and get to the vet a worm pill runs about 30 .00

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

I use warm water in bathtub. Take a stool sample to vet. Worms are easy to treat.

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

in the summer i wash my dog outside with the hose with cold water and leave him in the sun to dry.

the rest of the seasons i wash my dog in the shower with warm water.

my dog's hair is short so it doesn't get stuck in the drain.

as for the worm in the pooh you should get the worm "type" diagnosed at a vet and he will proscribe and administer treatment (usually tablets).

if you use worm meds from a petstore or grocery/department store it will take a lot longer to treat and may not fully eliminate the problem.

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

get her to the vet asap, she may have worms!!! to give her a bath i wold do it outside if it is warm enough. make sure the water is WARM not to hot not to cold. yes hair will get stuck but they make special drain blocks u can use to block all the hair then you just take it off and throw out the hair on it!! good luck!! take her to the vet!

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

I did wash mine in the bathtub and found out it caused a LOT of blockage because their hair DOES go down the drain. Wash the door outside.

Use warm water.

The white worm is a tape worm and you need to get tape worm medicine and feed 1 pill for every 10#, with a maximum of 5 pills. Tape worms are pretty disgusting.

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

get her wormed. and you need to use warm water and inside

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

warm water is the best for them but if you want them to stay still in the shower you cant get there face wet cause i had to learned the hard way

Giving your dog a bath and worms in her poo!!?

Hello groomer here.... first of all there called tape worms and they come from fleas so you need to go to your vet and they will give him a shot to kill the worms the shot works best over the pills... About giving your dog do not was him in cold water it dose not feel good to them and it takes much longer to get the shampoo out of the dogs coat. You want to have the water warm not hot a dogs normal temp ranges between 100.5- 102.5.. so the water should not be to warm. Look at it this way if the water feels really good to you it 's to hot for your dog... If your dog has lots of fleas you can give him a bath using some dawn soap diluted be care full not to get it in your dogs eyes. If your going to bathe your dog yourself then use some baby shampoo around his face.Ask your vet for some flea medication like frontline, K9 advantix. stay away from the store brands like walmart or even the pet stores those brands are regulated and be very dangerous causing seizures are even brain damage or even death

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