Saturday, August 1, 2009

How do I get my dog to stop scratching?

My Pekingese has shorter hair, and won't stop scratching himself. He doesn't have fleas, but I guess his skin is just dry, we live in North Florida where it is very hot right now. I don't know what to do to make him stop and help him to feel better.

How do I get my dog to stop scratching?

Well, you already knocked fleas out. If it's just dry skin...and you can't afford a vet, or vet medication...oatmeal shampoo is great for their skin. wash them in that instead of regular pet shampoo which can cause irritated skin. You can also try on bad spots a benedryl spray. They also make hydrocortisone sprays and shampoos. Try those out and hope he feels better!!!

How do I get my dog to stop scratching?

flea medecine he'll thank you for it

How do I get my dog to stop scratching?

bath it with the best dog bathing liquid detergent

How do I get my dog to stop scratching?

Take him a bath.Probley rub him.Or if that don't work take him to the vet.

How do I get my dog to stop scratching?

If his skin is dry you might try changing your shampoo. Generally you can use the same shampoo you use on your dog. Also, if you use a carpet powder... for a clean scent in your carpet it could be irritating his skin.

How do I get my dog to stop scratching?

We have a toy fox terrier who frequently gets "hot spots" during the warmer months. He has severe allergies. If you haven't already, please take your doggy to the vet and have them take a look. Our dog required injections of cortisone to help him. :)

How do I get my dog to stop scratching?

put that white thing over his neck and buy some shampoo

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