Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My mom has broken both her arms and she hasnt stopped nagging?

the first day wasnt so bad. i did the dishes and other normal stuff that should have been done. now she is making outrageous demands on what, how, when to do stuff.if i dont get up that second she will nag me to no end until i get it done. after doing all the chores and stuff im a little too tired to sweep the floor 5 times a day and other things like that. i swear im doing more stuff then she does when she wasnt hurt. mu stepdad has even started calling her hitler because of her constant demands. i dont want to hear that im being a brat cause i am more than happy to do the things that nust be done but i draw the line where i am picking dog hair off the couch. is there a nice way to tell her to stop?

My mom has broken both her arms and she hasnt stopped nagging?

Put tape over her mouth. With two broke arms theres no way she can get it off.

My mom has broken both her arms and she hasnt stopped nagging?

You're a brat.

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