OK, I have had 2 kids so far, but I have never had the "nesting instinct" before. I'm pretty sure this was it, because I went on a rampage to rid my house of all the dog hair, and got waaay too wrapped up in it. This came out of NOWHERE. I'm 39 weeks along, and was wondering if anyone had a timeline as to how far off labor might be. I know it's different for everyone, but I'm sooo ready to pop this one out. Any answers would be appreciated!
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
My guess would be 2-3 days. I had this instinct when pregnant with both of my children. About 3 days before labor started with my daughter, I went completely nuts on the cleaning thing. With my son it was cleaning and cooking about 5 dishes each day. My husband wasn't complaining because there was something about being pregnant that made the food taste better than ever. Good luck and let me know.
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
My ex-friend had an obsession of cleaning her house when pregnant. Like you said it's called "nesting instinct". Clean house is always good and healthy anyway.
I had a differnet obsession. I was obsessed with stationery paper and stickers and colored pens. My water broke when I was looking at my stationery and while watching "Friends". Don't ask me why of my stationery obsession, I'm fine now LOL
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
I nested when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant. It was non-stop cleaning, shopping for the baby, decorating, etc. So I really don't think it's a sign of how close you are. Because I went 5 days past my due date. I know it's tough at 39 weeks. Especially when you see other women going in 2 weeks to a month before their due date. It sucks! Be patient. And Congrats.
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
I didn`t have it with my daughter but with my son I cleaned house all day and was in labor that night!! Good luck with your little one!!
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
I had the nesting about one week before I had my daughter. The end is in sight!! Best of luck to you.
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
I did the nesting thing with 2 out of 5 of my children, you are absolutely correct when you say that each pregnancy is different but I have heard that when a women goes through the nesting stage that she is going to go into labor shortly there after. I know I did! Good luck, congratulations and I wish you and your new baby the best of health.
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
your nesting ..... it won't be too much longer .... CONGRATS!
Tomorrow- I would go for a walk and have s**...these two things have been known to get things going...and if you do I bet you have a baby this week....best wishes!
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
That sounds like nesting to me and I believe it is a real phenomenon. About 10 days before my first was born, I felt the need to clean every window in the house. Three days before my second was born, I cleaned out the kitchen pantry, then emptied all the spice jars, and replaced them with fresh spices.
Best wishes to you and your family:)
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
I was that was on and off throughout the whole last month of pregnancy and I gave birth 3 days late. I really had the nesting instinct the night before I went into labor though!
Since you already have 2 kids, I'd say you should be very close! Most 2nd and 3rd etc. babies are usually on time or early, so I'd make sure your bag is packed, it's just a matter of time! :)
Good luck and congrats!
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
I have been nesting with this baby since i was about 10 weeks (now 26). I am driving my kids and hubby nuts ha ha.
With my son I started nesting a week before I had him.
I think it depends on the pregnancy and person.
A few of my friends have done it for months before, others the day before, while others have not at all!
I don't think anyone can tell you when you're going to have the baby just because you are nesting.
It will come when its ready
Good Luck with the labour!
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
to put it plane and simple any day now
your 39 weeks acording to your info and docs info u can doc can be off by 2 weeks but any time now u can have the lil one with know worries , , take a long walk and injoy it well you can , when my twins were born i went on a cleaning spree cleaning intire apartment and doing all the linen in the closet just so i new there was no dust etc on them , after that ( next day ) i had a doc appoinment he said c u in a week , well i told him ill see u before the month is over , anyway i went home and me and my now x walked about a mile and , the next morning i woke up to go potty well it wasnt potty itt was my water anyway , i had my twins before the month was over august 31
another one of my pregnancys it was x mas time and i stayed up x mas eve getting things prepared etc , on x mas morning i got up cleaned house cooked dinner but found my slef not hungry i just wanted to sleep , anyway after i took a nap i woke up wanting some x mas fudge so i ate a tiny piece well low and be hold i had my daughter at 1 40 am dec 26
Have cleaned entire house-labor far off?
Nesting is a way to comfort your mind knowing that everything is clean enough for the baby to come home. If you watch the birds build their nest, they are frantic flying back and forth with branches in their beeks to make a safe place for their young. After the nest is built, the female sits and rests for the rest of the time, until the babies come. So relax and rest and get ready for your beautiful baby to come.
God Bless You and your Family.
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