Sunday, July 26, 2009

My dog has non itchy, hairless spots on muzzle & under chin, what could it be?

Splotches came fast and don't itch. The hair has not grown back and he has had this at least 6-8 weeks.

Doesn't sound like Mange because itdoesn't itch. I treat with Advantage monthly for fleas.

I have applied various topicals as suggested by my Vet.

What could it be?

My dog has non itchy, hairless spots on muzzle %26amp; under chin, what could it be?

There are different types of mange and one type, can't remember which, doesn't itch. So you can't rule out mange.

OK I just looked it up - demodectic mange is the one that doesn't always itch, it's sarcoptic (fox) mange that itches.

Anyway, go to your vet. It might not be mange, it might be any kind of skin infection, or allergies. My money's on demodectic mange though I think. Your vet can do a skin scraping to find out what's going on - and if he doesn't, go to another vet!


My dog has non itchy, hairless spots on muzzle %26amp; under chin, what could it be?

Gack, that wasn't a diagnosis! Take the dog to a vet please, you can't treat him until you know what the problem is. Report It

My dog has non itchy, hairless spots on muzzle %26amp; under chin, what could it be?

Your dog's probably stressed. Same with humans, dogs lose hair when they get stressed out. Are you walking him everyday? Giving him the right amounts of food? Is he cold at night? Is he living in a crowded area? Think of the answers to these questions and maybe they would answer yours.

My dog has non itchy, hairless spots on muzzle %26amp; under chin, what could it be?

The bare spots could be what they call Hot Spots. I believe I would get another Vet's opinion, since everything your vet has suggested hasn't worked.

My dog has non itchy, hairless spots on muzzle %26amp; under chin, what could it be?

My dog occasionally gets bald spots on her nose and stomach. She is a miniature dachshund and she uses her nose to flip over her water and food bowl. She also gets spots on her stomach from sliding around on the carpeted floors. My dogs bald spots are caused by her constantly rubbing a certain area ,on her bowl or the carpet. Also when she gets these spots they do take quite a while to grow back. (Especially if the animal continues to "rub" the area on whatever caused the hair loss.) However, this is my personal experience and I am not a vet. You should take your dog to the vet just to be on the safe side, in case it is something serious!

My dog has non itchy, hairless spots on muzzle %26amp; under chin, what could it be?

My German Shepherd/chow mix had spots that started on the side of her muzzle and we weren't sure what it was, turned out that it was mites. Also, didn't appear to be itchy. All dogs have a managable amount of mites all the time but for some reason if their immunity is low they will get more and the loss of fur will be apparent. We took her to the vet and they treated for mites. The spots started to regrow hair in a couple of weeks. Can't say for sure if that is your case but you can ask your vet for that possibilty. I hope this helps :)

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