hes a german shepherd, about four, wehad a bonfire outside our house... and well she sat next to me and I rubbed her ear(she loved that) and well... she wagged her tail and it got into the fire... she stopped moving her tail and the hairs are singed off... she has a big red burn near the tip and I dont want to take her to a vet because I dont want to face animal cruely charges... Help me please I just want my poor Ginger to act normal again!!!
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
oh god....
okay you need to be more careful with your dog dont keep it within tails length of a bonfire ARE YOU KIDDING ME??
well its just a burn you'll have to get some burn medicine at the vets definitly dont put lotion or anything that is made for humans it can irritate their skin
you probably wont have to face any charges but if it means your dog getting her tail back then isnt it worth it? i'd say it is
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
it depens how bad it was
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
if you tell the vet what happened, you won't be charged with animal cruelty. it's not like you intentionally burned your dog and it was just an accident and you're being a responsible pet owner and getting your dog the help she needs to get better, which i hopes she feels better soon! if you don't get it checked by a vet it could get worse or infected.... just be more careful if your dog is going to be near any fire...maybe get a gate or something to put around it :o)
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
do u think i would believe that...
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
Take her to Vet. If you explain what happened and get care right away they wont consider it cruelty. If you put it off, then it becomes cruelty
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
You won't face animal cruelty charges. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. She might not be alright. Just take her to the ******* vet.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
It's an accident. That's not animal cruelty. Don't be concerned about that. Do be concerned about your dog though. A vet needs to see her to make sure it doesn't get infected. That's the most common complication of burns. If it gets infected, they may need to remove part of her tail to save her life.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
take her to a vet!! it might get infected!! that would be even worse then what's already happening.
just tell the vet that the dog got distracted and the fire burned it's tail.
hopefully, they wont charge you!
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
Just get her to a vet and quit asking a STUPID question..for what would you do if it was YOUR HAIR ETC. was burnt/singed........sheesh.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
It is animal Cruelty to neglect the burn and Not take her to the vet. She could get a very severe infection if that is not cared for. Please take her to the vet as soon as you can. They aren't going to call that animal cruelty. It's clearly an accident.
Do the right thing. she must be in alot of pain.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
that's quite selfish of you to not want to help your dog because you don't want to get faced with animal cruelty charges? i highly doubt they would charge you for cruelty if you explained the situation, and you were honest.
in any case. take the dog to the vet if you're concerned about her behavior.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
Accidents happen. You didn't burn your dog's tail on purpose. Animal cruelty and neglect would be not providing the care she needs. I think you should take her to a vet. Until you do, here are some first aid instructions for burns.
First Aid for burns depends on type of burn.
Since most animals have a natural fear of fire, most pets are burned because of human carelessness. Frequently, burns involve the paws and are caused by harsh chemicals or by stepping on hot surfaces. Cats are particularly susceptible to pad damage if they jump up on a hot stove plate, or contact cleaner residues during housekeeping. Make sure to keep cats out of the room or when cooking or cleaning is underway or if they are in the room, keep a careful eye on them! Occasionally, pets are accidentally scalded with hot water or burnt with commercial hair dryers. Some pets are burned when they chew on electric cords or lick at caustic chemicals.
Burns caused by heat, chemicals, radiation, or electricity lead to tissue injury. Superficial burns, while quite painful, are generally not serious. On the other hand, deep burns can be serious and may even result in death due to shock, loss of body fluids, and infection.
Burns can be difficult to detect because a pet's hair coat may mask the damage to the underlying tissues. Usually, a superficial burn is characterized by pain, singed hair that does not pull out easily, and reddened skin.
A deep burn, on the other hand, tends to be less painful, since the nerve endings have been destroyed, and the patient is depressed or in shock. The skin may appear normal, or it may appear burned of off colour (greyish) and the hair pulls out easily.
When a superficial burn occurs, one should never apply butter, fat, grease, or ointments. Instead, immerse the affected area in cool to lukewarm water as soon as possible to prevent heat from penetrating deeper into the tissue and causing further damage. Gently pat the area dry, cover the area loosely with a clean, moist bandage if possible and then contact your veterinarian immediately.
For deep burns, soak a towel or cloth with cold water and apply it to the burned area as quickly as possible. Keep it well soaked until veterinary assistance is available. Keep the patient warm and quiet and transport the patient to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
Do not give any medications without first consulting your veterinarian. If the patient is conscious and not vomiting, and if there will be a delay in transport, it is possible that your veterinarian may suggest administration of a solution (in small amounts only) of half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon bicarbonate of soda to a litre of water. Do not give any medications without consulting your veterinarian. If more than 50 per cent of the body has been burned, the chances for recovery are low.
Skin damage depends upon the length and intensity of exposure. With a superficial burn, you will see redness in the skin, sometimes blisters and perhaps slight swelling. The burn will be tender. With deep burns, the skin will appear white, the hair will come out easily when pulled and pain will be severe. If more than 15 percent of the body surface is involved in a deep burn, the outlook is poor. In such cases fluid seeps from the damaged area. This can lead to shock.
Acid on the skin is neutralized by rinsing with baking soda (four tablespoons to a pint of water). Alkali is neutralized by rinsing with a weak vinegar solution (two tablespoons to a pint of water). Blot dry and apply antibiotic ointment, then bandage loosely. Olive oil can also be applied. Brush off any dry chemicals that are on the skin. Beware, water may activate some dry chemicals. See your veterinarian as quickly as possible.
In some cases, such as electric shock (when a puppy may chew on an electric cord) when you can feel the heart beating but the dog is not breathing place the dog on its side, alternately depress and release the chest by pressing gently on the rib cage and its most posterior margin. Sometimes aromatic inhalants will help as well.
Do not apply turpentine or kerosene to remove paint, tars, or grease from dog's coats. Both of these products can produce painful burns. Instead use vegetable oil and then wash with mild soap and water and apply more oil for a soothing effect.
Seriously burned dogs need medical attention immediately
as they may go into shock.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
You won't be charged with animal cruelty, if it was an accident, get special burn medication and I'd probably wrap it in bandages or something to avoid geting an infection or anything like that, and if you have witnesses that would also say it was not done intentionally.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
you should quit getting so wasted and trying to smoke dogtail.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
i would be more worried about facing animal cruelty for not taking her to the vet. Get some gauze and put around it until u can take her to the vet. If its bad she needs to go the emergency vet now.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
An accident is not animal cruelty.
What is animal cruelty is neglecting to bring an animal to a vet when it is sick or injured.
She will be okay. Take her in, get her looked at. If it's not serious, they'll probably just give you an ointment to put on the burn a couple times a day. Explain what happened. You won't get into trouble. Burns are uncomfortable, and you should be more worried about your dog than what people might think.
Good luck.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
has it blistered? if yes you have to take her in your not going to get in trouble because they understand accidents happen. if its not a big raw blister or if their is no skin missing then wash the area well and wrap it changing the wraps ever 4 to 6 hour for the first 72 hours then at least three times a day till it gets better. the danger is not the burn its self really its the infection that comes after it. if you don't have the money which is often the case then do basically what i suggested above except add this step go to your local feed store and get penicillin you'll have to administer it yourself with a needle alot of times the feed store can help guide you. then watch for allergic reaction such as slowing of breathing ,lethargic behaviour, or rash discontinue immediately and seek a vet if these occur. it a matter of how safe you feel treating your dog your self good luck
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
The incident was clearly accidental so you shouldn't be charged with animal cruelty. Even if you were to be charged wouldn't that be worth it to make sure your dog is ok?? You should be charged with animal cruelty for not seeking medical attention for your dog.
P.S don't use any burn ointments... there is a reason they make different products for dogs than humans.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
If you don't take her for help, then you have a real problem in the eyes of the law! If you tell the vet what happened at the bonfire then it wasn't your fault. Besides that your Ginger has feelings, how do you feel with even just a slight burn? It was cruel of you not to take her for help immediatly.
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
Alisha, you're a sweetheart for even thinking that you would face animal cruelty charges for taking your dog to a vet with wounds that you didn't purposely inflict. TAKE GINGER TO THE VET! Otherwise, her burns may become infected, and that can lead to all sorts of trouble ranging from uncecessary scarring to a fatal bacterial blood infection. You're not going to "get in trouble" or be charged with anything. Be sure to just tell them the truth and everything will be fine. If you really insist upon not going to the vet, at least rub a moisturizing ointment like neosporin on the red spot so that it won't get infected. Do it at least twice a day, or whenever it looks like it has absorbed/been licked off. If she licks the wound a lot, you need to bandage it. You really have to take her to the vet it doesn't heal naturally -- meaning a) it's not really getting better within 3 days, b) there is a lot of puss and/or it feels warmer to the touch than the rest of her skin c) she is behaving differently, paying a lot of attention to the area, even if points a and b don't apply. I hope that helps and I hope she feels better soon!
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
It was an ACCIDENT! You won't be charged of Animal Cruelty! Get it to the vet!
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
i not now tomorrow morning - first thing - if you don't get her treated she will have health issues %26amp; Then you WILL be charged with animal cruelty
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
the chances of animal cruelty charges in this instance would i would have thought as accidents do happen and where fires and dogs are put together will happen i would myself take him to the vet as he has a burn at the tip of his tail and is possibly in considerable pain and may need some painkillers and anti biotics to kill any infection that may be lurking there
My dog caught fire will she be ok???
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