Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

he is a small puppy has long ears and kind od curly hair he loves to play and hates to be alone, he is really friendly

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Errm... ask a vet! If anyone should know, it's a vet... unless he/she is blind!

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

ask the breeder! they should know what dog it is! or maybe its a cross!

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

i think the vet wouldnt tell you fibs. and if you love it does it matter?

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Poodles and Maltese are very differnt animals, do you have some type of crossbreed? I would rely on the Vets word, If you are still uncomfortable with the idea, ask yourself? DO I love the dog Does it really matter what specific breed (S) he or she is?

If you still want to see more info? try the links below.

I am assuming you have a toy poodle? Either or your dog will love you anyway so enjoy your canine companion/ friend~

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Why did you get a dog that you don't know what it is? Surely you were told when you bought it, what it was!! So long as its healthy and happy does it matter anyway?

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Get the pedigree papers and have dna tests done. The Kennel Club can check the paternity and confirm the blood line in the same way as you can with humans. You will then know the breed of your dog. If it was sold to you as a pedigree Maltese, but the blood test shows mixed breed or different breed, you can sue the breeder for misrepresenting the breed of dog they sold you. This can be quite expensive.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

stick your finger up its bottom. if it barks then its a maltese - if it squeels like a pig then its a poodle.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Are you sure your puppy is purebred or a mix? Have you ever tried looking onto the AKC website? They have all the known registered and recognized breeds on that site and give some very good information about the breeds also. They also have pictures of the different breeds to help you compare the pups with yours.

Hope this helps and good luck with your new puppy! Sounds too cute! :-)

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

Based on the description, it could be either one. If the dog isn't white, it's a poodle. It could also be a poodle-maltese cross. I say trust your vet...they see a lot of puppies and would be the best judge of the breed.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

what are d ears? long erect ones well thats maltese, if its droopy long ones thats a poodle, maltese has strait hair, poodle has curly hair, maltese grows only 10 to 12 inches, and with similar built as shitzu, almost snubbed nose, but with a little snout, if urs is a bit taller, with longer legs, and curly hair, with long ears thats a poodle... the question only is that is it a toy poodle or a poodle. but not a maltese. we own and breed maltese

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

The main give away is that you say that your puppy had curly hair and Maltese dogs have straight hair this isn't to say that your puppy's hair won't change. I have a Bichon Frise which looks almost identical to a Maltese pup and she had really cute straight hair and as she got older it went really curly so you can't tell until there get their adult coat. Maltese dogs are also very small so the size will give it away too. You should also talk to your breeder if you bought him from a breeder. I would love to see if a picture of him. Send me a pic and i might be able to tell you from that.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

You ***CAN'T***!!!

It's a MUTT/MONGREL!! That's *IT*!!!

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

maltese have straight hair not curly,the vet should know.

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?

try looking for pictures on the internet for both breeds and compare them but unfortunitly vets are very rarly wrong when it comes to breeds and does it matter anyway as long as you love the dog thats what counts. but on the other side if you brought a pedigree maltese and it looks like a poodle somethings wrong it could also be a cross between both breeds and show characteristics of both breeds hense the confusion

The vet say I have a poodle dog but I think is a Maltese how can I found out which one is it?


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