Saturday, August 1, 2009

I hate cats! How about you?

Actually, I hate dogs too! What do they do besides crap everywhere, piss on your stuff, get cat and dog hair all over your stuff (not to mention that you're breathing all this)chew up your stuff, basically ruin everything you own, and all they have to do is lay around, crap everwhere, piss on your stuff, get their hair on your stuff and you have to clean all this up AND pay for all the damage AND feed them on top of it? No thanks. At least you can ride a horse.

I hate cats! How about you?

YES I hate them. I even have nightmares about them!!

I hate cats! How about you?

um...I love dogs...but im not as fond of cats because they're too independent! DOGS RULE!!!

I hate cats! How about you?

I love both cats and dogs

I hate cats! How about you?

What do they do?

They love you. Unconditionally and totally ;). They'll always be there for you, no matter what you do or what goes wrong with your life, and they comfort you when you're upset.

(Anyway, what are you even talking about? Cats can be litter trained easily, and dogs can be taught to go outside just as easily. They don't just crap any old place) :/

I hate cats! How about you?

But what's your question? Seems like you are only trying to trigger anger in the people that read your statement.

I hate cats! How about you?

I have 6 cats and one dog and I love both. However, I prefer ferrets, they're kind of a mix between cats and dogs.

I hate cats! How about you?

I love all animals! I have a dog and a cat!

I hate cats! How about you?

Cats are my favorate, there quite when you need quite unlike dogs that bark alot at night.. unless they are trained not too.

I hate cats! How about you?

I like dog and cats and all type of animals.

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