Thursday, July 23, 2009

16 month old question?

I have been trying to get my son to stay off of the dog bed. He won't. I have tried everything I can think of. Just a few minutes ago I noticed that he was being very quiet (never a good sign). I walked into the kitchen and low and behold there he was sitting on the dog bed looking at me laughting and bouncing and squealing (looking very cute I might add). It was hard for me not to laugh. How do I get him to stop getting on there? Right this second he is sitting on there putting dog hair in his mouth. HELP!

16 month old question?

I'm quite surprised that my 15 month old son hasn't started to do this, however the dog bed is in our room away from him. So it's out of his sight/mind at all times. This might not work for you since your dog is dont want to make the poor thing travel all over the place to find his/her bed! Here's what I can suggest: obviously your son is thrilled with tempting and getting attention..even if it's negative attention. Time out for this age won't work, they are too young to "sit" in a time out. You could try things like this: when he's on it say once no this is not for you, your bed is in your room and take him off. When he goes back to it, don't say anything..just go after him, remove him and put him at a different place. Do this a few times to try to get him to get the point but don't say anything to him after the first time.

You could try like others have said getting him his own dog bed but I might recommend a little toddler fold out couch for him. My son got one for his first bday, it's a thomas the train and he loves to jump on it and have a field day on that. They are relatively inexpensive to buy.

Hope that some of the advice I gave to you will help. Toddlers you got to love them!!

16 month old question?


maybe you need to shift the dog bed really , as i can see the temptation for him and the frustration for you

16 month old question?

not to sound harsh, but the real thing parents these days need to realize is that rearing isn't bad, it worked for me, and other people who grown up into good people including presidents

16 month old question?

Put the dog bed somewhere high when you're not supervising your son. Try putting it on a couch, a table, anything that is taller than you're son. He sounds like a handful. Scold him when he's doing something you don't want him to do. Make sure you're stern and looking at him in the eye though. Don't lose your temper either. If you lose your temper, his goes bye-bye too.

16 month old question?

replace it with another large pillow. has a large turtle pillow, its as big as our dog pillow, and then he'd have his own to play on~

16 month old question?

So you have a dog right??? If your dog died maybe he is just missing the poor thing. But if your dog is still there then get rid of the dog bed. You could also get one of those dog fences that is high enough so that your son can't get over to the dog bed. That way your dog will have his bed and your son won't go on the bed. Also maybe your son has an interest in dogs. You could show him other interesting things in the world like take him to movies buy him toys that he will love take you and him to those fun "Child and Me" classes that have the parents and the child do fun activities together.Maybe he needs more time with you.

One last thing. You could also think of this as a good thing. Your son, possibly could just be a prodigy. Maybe he is trying to show you he wants to be a vet or a zoo trainer and he is trying to act like an animal. Many things could be going on in his mind but try to think of the bright things.

16 month old question?

Hmm sounds to me you should get him his own. Figure its low he has no fear of falling off, its soft and comfortable. Couldnt blame him for liking it myself,

Had similar issue with my son that age with teething. He would take my dogs raw hides from them to teeth on. I gave up and when was time give dogs their treats I gave my son a rawhide to. Son was happy so were my dogs lol. Wouldnt suggest the basted ones when I found out what he did his face was a mess.

16 month old question?

My twins are 5 and still play in the dog crates....I don't even try to stop them anymore....When they were crawling I was forever stopping them from chewing on dog toys. Sometimes they would put the dog hair between their teeth, so it looked like they were flossing (yes I stopped them, but it was funny)! I would give up on trying to stop him from getting on the dog bed, just try to keep the dog hair out of his mouth (maybe Dust Bust the bed to keep the hair to a minimum)...Take lots of pics :)

16 month old question?

Move the dog bed where he cannot get to it.

16 month old question?

put him in a time out when he goes on there. unless he can start to accociate the dog bed with something unpleasant he wont ever learn to stay off.

16 month old question?

my daughter does it too we just got a puppy and she has a thing for his bed i have no idea why we just keep removing her when she is on it thats the only thing we can do but she knows he is not aloed in her room and she is not allowed on his bed

16 month old question?

It sounds like this has turned into a thrill for him because he knows he is not supposed to be there, but wants to test the limits. I would simply ask how important it is that he stays off the dog bed. In the grand scheme of things, I am not sure I would be worried about keeping him off (especially if he seems to get such a thrill off playing on it). I mean, eventually it will lose its interest, especially if it no longer forbidden. It may seem 'dirty' to you, but you have to figure that your dogs hair is all over the house anyway (just may not be able to see it as much other places). So, just ask if that is really that critical to address. If it is, then maybe try just moving the bed or redirecting EVERY time he goes near it (this will require lots and lots of redirection!) If not, take some pics, let him fiddle on it when he wants, and let the novelty die down (as I can almost assure you it will since it there are so many more interesting things in life at this age!)

16 month old question?

Gosh, I don't see that this is such a problem. Buy a new dog bed with a washable cover and wash it once a week and call it a day. Our dogs sleep with us, so it's not such a big deal at our house considering all they give to us in return. The more you tell him "No," to more he will do it. You can buy some fantastic dog couches ($200) that I'm sure everyone would enjoy!!!

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